Press centre for the national elections in 2008

Year: 2008
Number of participants: 300
Content: the Government Communication Office in cooperation with the National Election Committee organized press centre for domestic and foreign media (100 posts, personal computers, modem accesses for notebooks, printers and photocopying machines, additional ISDN modem and analogue connections, phones, fax) due to the elections into the National Assembly in 2008. Representatives of the media could monitor election turnout data and the results on two big screens and television programs TV Slovenija and POP TV. It was also provided for simultaneous translations of statements into English.
Organized by: Government Communication Office

»... We successfully organized the press centre for the elections.
I thank you for your professional cooperation on the project, which undoubtedly contributed to the successful realization of the project. Please, express acknowledgment on our behalf also to your colleagues, who worked on the project.

I hope that we will have the opportunity to cooperate again. I wish you kind regards and further success in the future.

Veronika Stabej, director of the Government Communication Office
GR on social media