Instructions for all event participants at the GR

When preventing infections with the new Coronavirus COVID-19, it is necessary to follow the instructions/recommendations during the event (the assembly, the event, the disassembly):

  • In case we get ill or show symptoms of infection, we stay at home - we do not come to work and do not attend the event. We also stay at home if the person with whom we live in the same household is ill or has symptoms of infection, or if we have been socialising with this person in the past 14 days.
  • If you have been in contact with a COVID-19 positive person or a person with COVID-19 symptoms who has been sent into isolation in the last 14 days, do not attend the event.
  • We enter the event individually and keep the distance of 1.5 to 2 metres to other persons.
  • Immediately upon entering or in front of the event venue, the visitor disinfects his hands.
  • The use of a face mask is mandatory in all indoor spaces where the event takes place, as well as on the outdoor platforms within the GR premises.
  • Visitors should touch as few objects as possible or use disinfectant consistently before and after touching.
  • We follow the cough hygiene instructions. Before coughing or sneezing, we cover our mouth and nose with a handkerchief, or cough and sneeze into the top of our sleeve, rather than into our palm. Immediately after coughing or sneezing we wash and/or disinfect our hands.
  • The personal waste (e.g. used handkerchiefs) should only be disposed of into a designated trash can. That is a step trash can, usually in the restrooms.
  • We are careful not to touch our eyes, nose or mouth with our hands.
  • In case we feel the initial symptoms of a respiratory infection (a runny nose, sneezing, coughing, a sore throat, a fever, etc.) during being at the event (including the assembly and the disassembly), we immediately call the number 01 300 26 00 and regarding the direction of our way at the GR we follow the instructions we receive by phone. In case we do not have a phone, we take the shortest route, following the instructions of the minimum distance of 1.5 to 2 metres to other people, to the reception desk of the event. We also call our personal physician immediately.
  • During the event (also during the assembly and the disassembly) we maintain a distance of 1.5 to 2 metres to other people, which applies to all places at the venue (e.g. the smoking lounge).
  • If there is a determined direction of walking (e.g. one-way) at the event in order to avoid congestion and thus closer contacts, the visitor is obliged to adhere to it.
  • Personal items should not be put or left anywhere except at the cloakroom if there is one at the event. Visitors should carry with them the least possible things (just what they essentially need).
  • We enter the restrooms individually, following the distance rule; disinfect our hands before entering and after exiting.
  • Hand disinfection is mandatory before entering and exiting restrooms.
  • We wash our hands properly with soap (see demonstration of hand washing in restrooms).

Read more:
National Institute of Public Health

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